Summary: Mismanagement of waste segregation in the community of Pulong Buhangin Santa.Maria Bulacan is one of the main concerns of its citizens. Through this, we will know what are the causes and effects of the said problem. We will conduct interviews to the citizen in different areas of Pulong Buhangin Santa.Maria Bulacan through online platforms and also local officials to know what are their solutions to the problem.
Rationale: > To hear both side of the citizens and local officials regarding to the problem
> To know what solutions to the problem may give by local officials (higher positions)
> To see what are the causes and effects of mismanagement of waste segregation to the citizens and environment
> To give awareness to the citizens about the problem
Explanation: As per last blog that we made, the issue/problem that raised the most is the mismanagement of waste segregation and all respondent is from the community of Pulong Buhangin Santa.Maria Bulacan. In this, I decided to pursue the topic ‘mismanagement of waste segregation in the community of pulong buhangin santa.maria bulacan’ because this is a serious problem nowadays and we must give importance to hear the voice of the citizens and also the local officials. In interviewing, I will ready some questions to the both citizens and local officials to know what their perspective about the issue is. This interview will run through online platforms or face to face and I will ask their permission first before conducting it. I will also ask some photos of their waste to know how they segregate the trash they have. Also, I will ask local officials of any proof of their way solutions like plans or how will they improve the waste management in their community.