Title/Topic Proposal: The Endless Noise Pollution in Barangay Caingin, City of Malolos, Bulacan
This proposal addresses one of the most pressing issues in Barangay Caingin, City of Malolos, Bulacan. According to my survey, the most challenging problem that residents and local officials in the area want to address is the never-ending noise at night. This proposal will focus on how and what are the things to do to lessen the causes of the said community issue. The main objective of this story is to stop the discomfort and frustration of other people who are part of the said Barangay.
This report will serve as a means of diminishing unnecessary noise during residents' rest and sleep hours.
For the residents of Barangay Caingin to become more organized and united.
To put an end to the nighttime chaos in the community.
To reassure people, particularly those who go home late at night, that their route home will be safe and more secure.
To inform people that the noise they are making at night is a perversion and gives discomfort and frustration to other people living in the community.
In order to accomplish this citizen journalism report, more information from the community is well needed.
I will conduct an interview and ask the residents and some local officials in Barangay Caingin whether they are affected by noise pollution at night, and if so, what they have experienced and felt each time it occurs. Also, what do they think the solution might be? Since they are the ones who live and suffer from this kind of problem on a daily basis. Hence, their opinions and suggestions are valuable.
I plan to interview at least four (4) residents (preferably two (2) working individuals and (2) students. One (1) local official from the barangay and at least one (1) tricycle driver that transports passengers at night / traysikel drayber na namamasada tuwing gabi.
Options in the interview can be documented in written format via email or private messaging on messenger. A video or audio record is also the option if the interviewee allows and gives me the approval to do it.
To confirm or deny the statement of certain residents that the community suffers from noise pollution, photos and videos of the area are needed.
To strengthen the story, I will ask for materials such as images or a list of officials' plans about the matter.