Topic: In some parts of the Rufina Golden Village Subdivision, there are no lamp poles located or placed.
Lack of lamp poles at Rufina Golden Village Subdivision, a neighborhood in Barangay Sto. Cristo, Malolos City, Bulacan, is a long-time problem among its residents and visitors. The only source of light through the subdivision is the open lights outside the house. Street signs are also a problem because they aren't reached by the houses' light but they are also rusted, since why many visitors are getting lost even in daylight or nighttime.
Have accessibility for the people living and visiting.
Adjust the placement of the street sign so that visitors do not get lost.
Avoid having an accident on the road.
To have a safe and secured place.
To approach the topic, I need to ask the Rufina Golden Village Home Owners Association Officers to comply with the residents' problems. My approach will be to go around the subdivision or ask in its own Facebook group for the resident’s opinions and feedback on how long have the problems been acted upon and if it’s happening frequently or occasionally?
I would like to reach out to the association to know the pending problem of the subdivision and know what are the updates, progress, the process of resolving, and how they manage the different concerns of the residents. I would also like to know if there are different people or organizations outside the subdivision that are involved and are they looking into this problem? Like, do they report this to the officers of the barangay when they cannot handle it by themselves.
I will choose 7 residents and 2 officials as respondents to participate in my survey interview. Before giving their answers, I need to ask for permission to include some of their personal data as proof of participation and tell them that is a requirement for academic purposes. I will use an open-ended question for the residents and the officers to give them freedom in their answers.
After answering the questions, they will be written as a feature report for easy analysis and interpretation of their answers.