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Writer's pictureCyriel M. Valeroso

Breaking the Cycle: An Overview of the Existing Community Issues Within Gerona, Tarlac.


The existence of a community calls for a need for continuous improvement no matter how well the state it is in. Thus, the need for an assessment within a community through the members themselves that are the focal point of receiving the effects of changes in it, whether beneficial or not, is vital in order to spot, recognize, and acknowledge which areas would need improvement.

Following this reason, I have decided to conduct a community survey in the municipality of Gerona, Tarlac, where a few members were asked to share their perspectives regarding the existing problems within the community.

The following figures serve as a quick overview on the results of the survey:

Figure 1. Age and Gender of respondents.

As seen from the chart above, the survey had a total of 10 respondents that varied between the ages 17 - 67 years old. Among 10 of them, 6 identified as students while the remaining 4 identified as either business owners, workers, or housewives.

When asked about the community issues they notice within their community, the respondents listed the following answers, varying from the most mentioned to the least.

Figure 2. List of Community Problems in Gerona, Tarlac, from most mentioned to least.

  • Poverty and Scarcity of resources, especially food.

  • Poor drainage system

  • Inaccessible Health Care (also: little to no mental health care)

  • Poor Waste Management

  • Lack of Parking Space in the Market

  • Traffic

  • Unpaved Roads

  • No Animal Rescue

  • Teenage Pregnancy

In addition to the earlier question, the respondents were also asked which of the following issues would they like to be addressed first, the results show that:

Figure 3. Preferred Community Problem to be addressed first according to the respondents.

In addition to the earlier question, the respondents were also asked which of the following issues would they like to be addressed first, the results show that:

40% of the respondents chose Poverty and Food Security to be prioritized by the authorities,

20% of the respondents call for more parking space, especially in the market area,

10% chose health care,

10% chose accessible emergency services/communication,

10% chose proper waste management and;

10% chose road construction.



From what the results have shown, the prevailing issue as per the observation of the community members is the existing crisis of poverty in the community. Poverty in terms of scarcity in resources, increasing number of beggars roaming the streets, and unhealthy living conditions that are noticeable especially in the far-off barrios. It is a growing problem which, as the majority of the respondents have said, requires an urgent action and a sustainable solution that could fix the issue immediately.

As a former resident of this municipality, it is obvious how the living conditions of several people in this area aren’t that well-off compared to more developed areas. Due to its rural environment and the most common source of income by the residents being small-owned businesses, there are not enough opportunities that could offer support to members of the community that are directly affected by the poverty issue. I believe that the core of this issue could root back to said lack of opportunities as a factor. The number of commercial establishments are very limited and the nearest city that could provide for the lack of opportunities is distant. Considering how some barrios in the municipality are isolated, finding a job in those areas would be too complicated. That being said, the only accessible source of income for the affected is through the seasonal rice plantation, which, admittedly, isn’t enough as a living wage.

Though the authorities have done their fair share of donating ang reaching out to the affected residents, along with several other organizations that conduct donation drives every now and then, poverty isn’t a problem that can be instantly fixed through one-time solutions. Instead. A probable effective solution would be the need to provide more opportunities that could cater to the affected residents. Jobs that wouldn’t require as many requirements as other jobs do. Jobs that are less complicated and more helpful. Through this, the community can easily provide the help needed by the affected residents to achieving a more sustainable living condition.

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