Above topic was the issue that has been mentioned in circulation more frequently over the interview with the local officials and the citizen of Barangay Talacsan in San Rafael, Bulacan. The state of the community. Absence of so called "Bayanihan" was the exact term applied by one of the interviewee as it was the major quality of the whole community– unity. Making people adjust, whether if it is in the part of the local officials or the citizen, it will still almost be a mission impossible, however, there's a lot of alternative ways to reach out and dissolve the absence with clear understanding and take on both sides.
• Only one person was fully satisfied by the state of the community.
• Most of the issues proclaimed by the citizen– although not directed– are for the officials.
• The officials does not possess at the moment the resources to successfuly connect with their people.
• I, myself, have encountered issues circulating in the community for I have been living here since birth that's why my knowledge and ways to take on will be relatable and sufficient.
No one understands a community better than its people actually living inside of it. And it was shown during the survey and interview conducted for the citizen and the local officials of the chosen community. The community withstand the causes and effects visibly for its state– there are no fights, no damaging of private properties and public consumptions, no invasion of anyone's privacy, no unnecessary rules and regulation, and crime reports are on its lowest rate. However, communication is lacking. The local officials mentioned both keyword– Bayanihan and Unity. As for the citizen, they did not pointed out the actions and movements of the officials but they wanted to see "change".
Change is a strong word for a whole community. A turn over sequence of events where there will be no absence of anything. And for a small community like Talacsan, there are tons of alternative ways on how to reach out the citizen and the officials opinion and point of views. For example, (1) a recommendation box— can be located in the Barangay Hall and available for access 24/7 for the citizens, and by the end of each month the officials could look through it and see what could be improve and hear people's plead. (2) a weekly or monthly assembly for the whole community, not mandatory but anyone can engage, so that the officials will have a platform to inform and share awareness for the people.
Instead of one-by-one interview and getting different kinds of opinion and personal gain ideas on how to solve the main addressed problem, I will be making a survey for at least 10-15 people in the community (Citizens and Local Officials combine) about their stand on the issue, the path they want the community to take, and how they want they want to be lead and be communicated. With this, we could form a collaborative information and come up with a much clear vision for improvement.