I. Topic: An Undying Issue of Inefficient Garbage Disposal and Management
II. Summary Description:
GARBAGE Disposal and Management has been an undying issue of Barangay Caniogan. This community problem of inefficient waste collection and the lack of disposal facilities have caused a major environmental and health problems which have persisted due to a lack of action on the part of both residents and local officials.
As a result, this undying issue of Barangay Caniogan’s Garbage Management indicates a significant potential problem not only in this community but also in our planet, as we faces a very critical state of climate change today, and to further address the issue, the story will try to cover both the past and present status of the Barangay Caniogan as well as to attempt and analyze viable solutions to improve the problem by accessing credible sources and enlisting assistance of professionals.
III. Rationale
According to a study, one of the most serious urban environmental challenges in the Philippines is solid waste management (SWM) (Aguinaldo, 2008). A Filipino generates between 0.3 and 0.7 kilograms (kg) of waste every day, and yearly waste creation was predicted at 10 million tons in 2000, with a 30% increase expected in 2010. (World Bank, 2001). According to the National Solid Trash Management Commission (NSWMC), the country generates 30,000 tons of solid waste each day, with 73 percent coming from families, 26 percent from commercial enterprises, institutions, and industries, and 1 percent coming from healthcare facilities (Aguinaldo, 2008).
This story matters because on history, the early 1980s would mark a sharp increase in global temperatures. Many experts point to 1988 as a critical turning point when watershed events placed global warming in the spotlight. However even though many countries have been warned so many times from that day up to this moment, by experts and professional. People as well as the governments doesn’t seem to give an immediate action to it. And now that we’re on a very critical time of climate change, the said issue has been reopened by the recent over 1,000 scientists from 25 different countries, protesting and “highlighting the urgency and injustice of the climate and ecological crisis,”, which as said by Peter Kalmus, a NASA climate scientist “We’ve been trying to warn you guys for so many decades, the scientists of the world have been being ignored. And it’s gotta stop. We’re going to lose everything.”
We’re clearly on a critical state of environmental crisis, and in 3 to 4 years if this issue will not be addressed and be given an immediate action, we’ll never know what will happen. The world is shrinking and it will continue to. Considering this issue I think it would be a great step to analyze and fix the issues first of our communities. For instance in Barangay Caniogan the issue of Garbage Disposal and Management, in this way we can at least help step by step in starting to keep our own environment as clean and healthy as possible. Because of the issue that has arisen, as well as the issue that Barangay Caniogan is currently dealing with, we can assume that one of the most significant common problems is related to inefficient waste collection and a lack of disposal facilities, and that this condition has resulted in both environmental and health problems as a result of the inability of both local and national governments to implement proper waste management.
This story will be different from other coverage on this topic because it will address the issue of the said community not only by seeking solutions and analyzing the issue, but it will also raise awareness among citizens about improving their environment to help with the betterment of our current issue of climate change. This story will significantly alter the storyline on this topic because I will do my best to handle and investigate the root cause of the problem, as well as to seek possible solutions so that the problem does not persist indefinitely.
In light of recent events, pursuing the report may be of high public interest for two reasons: environmental problems will continue to be a perennial problem in the Philippines, for instance in Barangay Caniogan, unless these issues are addressed immediately; and with the pandemic temporarily halting our lives at the moment, there is no better time to reconsider developing new policies and improving approaches to managing this issue, so that when things return to normal, the situation will be better.
IV. Explanation
To pursue this story, and with the information I've gathered first from both residents and local officials, I will attempt to further analyze the said issue by conducting an interview primarily with those who listed the issue of Garbage disposal, particularly those who had lived in the above mentioned barangay for more than decades, and by asking them questions about their problems while focusing primarily on the lens as a resident of the community.
In addition, I will attempt to review previous waste management policies, as well as some possible reasons or factors that may have contributed to why these laws appear to have failed to address waste problems in Baranagay Caniogan. This is in relation to the role of governance in the implementation of effective waste management, taking into account the characteristics of waste generated and available resources.
This can also be used to present initiatives and activities aimed at encouraging proper waste management and recycling. As well as to emphasize the importance of both residents and officials participating, promoting awareness and education campaigns, and identifying appropriate technology based on the current situation and available resources.
As a member of this community, I believe I will have an advantage in terms of firsthand experience with these issues. I can also use my knowledge and experiences to provide additional information about the problem. Not only that, but it will be a big help for me to pursue this story with the help of some of my family members who used to live in the same community between the 1960s and the 1990s, as well as the neighbors I know and my former classmates and teachers who live in the same neighborhood. I will also try to use my connections to collaborate with our local officials, despite their busy campaigning schedules.
I contacted the citizens via online means, and I will continue to pursue this report via other online platforms. I will only physically visit the Barangay Hall or Municipal Hall Map in my area if necessary. With the advancement of technology, we now have almost instant access to almost any information we require. However, when gathering information, we must look only for credible sources. There are numerous online resources that provide the various laws and regulations that every barangay must follow; by accessing those, I can somehow analyze whether our barangay has been able to fulfill its duty and if they have previously taken action on this matter. Examining both past and current news reports about the community can also be very beneficial.
This report will attempt to reach a conclusion on how good governance, as demonstrated by participation of various stakeholder groups, strong public awareness campaigns and promotions, and replication of innovative and appropriate technologies, can promote proper waste management and a sustainable recycling community.
I believe that pursuing this story will benefit both our community's residents and the world at large. As a reporter, I aim to make a change and be a part of finding a solution for the betterment of my community.
K.O.J.I.M.A.A.N.D.M.I.C.H.I.D.A. (2011). Review of Waste Management in the Philppines: Initiatives to Promote Waste segregation and Recycling through good governance. Review of Waste Management in the Philppines: Initiatives to Promote Waste Segregation and Recycling through Good Governance.