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Writer's pictureAnamarie X. Antolin

THE REAL DEAL: Addressing the Water Access Issue in San Jose del Monte Heights

TOPIC: THE REAL DEAL: Addressing the Water Access Issue in San Jose del Monte Heights


San Jose del Monte Heights is only almost 11 years old since its foundation on November 22, 2012; thus, the community is still in the process of development, and issues are said to be inevitable. However, the issue of consistent water access which been experienced for almost 3 years already has been the most frequently mentioned issue by the San Jose del Monte Heights residents based on the survey conducted, making it the topic of the news story. Aside from this, it will also include the problem from Expansions 1 and 2 of lack of access to water lines since then, which is not highlighted and mentioned on News5 report last year.


• I propose to make a news story about the water access issue within San Jose del Monte Heights which was identified by the subjects as the problem in the community that they wanted to be addressed the most.

• The issue was reported and covered by News5 last year, however it was taken generally and some parts, like providing a focus on the community's Expansion 1 and 2 calls about their lack of access to water lines were not mentioned. These areas in the community are said to be struggling not to have their own water lines until now.

• The news story will provide an in-depth look at the citizen’s experience with regards to this matter. Especially to those community members from Expansions 1 and 2 areas since it is the only area in the community that does not even have access to water lines.

• The news story will provide background information like when and why this problem started because some of the respondents claimed that this issue started just a few years ago, during pandemic which was not mentioned during the News5 report. • It will also highlight the differences in water schedules in every phase and area in the community as mentioned by the respondents before. For instance, some claimed that their water access lasted for 4 hours but some experienced 6 hours.

• The community member’s response to the reason mentioned by News5 report last year which was because of the growing number of people in the community, thus limiting of the resources are needed, will be heard. This is because I have seen comments from the community members that debunked the reason mentioned from the report.

• The news story will serve as the community members' voice about this issue which was said to be raised already to the officials and Prime water District years ago but remained unsolved. EXPLANATION

For the news story to be done, the following needs to be considered and obtained:

1. Conducting background research about the issue mentioned through interviews with community members and officials to have enough knowledge and context about the topic.

2. Obtaining data and copy of News5 news report last year to provide deeper information and angle about the issue.

3. Interview with the community members in Expansions 1 and 2 about their experience of lack of access to water lines since then, and pictures and videos of their everyday struggle to fetch water from this area.

4. Interview with the community members from different areas within San Jose del Monte Heights community about their water schedules to highlight the differences and their response to the reason mentioned by the News5 report last year. Also, their message and calls for the community officials and Primewater District to prioritize this issue.

** I also planned to interview someone from SJDM Primewater to hear their response about this issue too, but I do not think it will possible since even News5 was not able to contact them before. However, given that scenario, I know the news story will still be possible since it will highlight and focus on the citizen’s voice and experience about the issue.

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